About Us

Meet John and Sydney

At our core, we are nature people. It is what has driven most of our passions and decisions throughout our lives. We met in 2011 as brand new zookeepers, ready to make a difference in the lives of the animals we cared for and the people we encountered. During our 10 years of zookeeping, the idea for Leaf and Feather Farms grew in our hearts.

In 2021, we moved from Houston, Texas to rural Michigan to pursue our new dream.


-Create comfortable accommodations and memorable experiences for guests

-Share our passion and knowledge about the wildlife and ecosystems around us

-Make connection to nature fun and accessible

-Encourage sustainable and environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviors

Learning the Land

Leaf and Feather Farms sits on 12 acres of beautiful forest, wetland, and open field. The land rises and falls, a testament to the power of the glaciers that once covered this region. Artesian wells, where water bubbles up from the ground, create a creek that runs the length of the property. Though we are in the middle of an agricultural region, this place is an oasis of nature, and we can’t wait to share it with you.